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Blog nou!

Astazi a aparut un nou blog pentru colectionari.
In speranta ca voi gasi cat mai multi impatimiti voi incerca sa aduc cat mai multe informatii legate de noutatile in domeniu si sa descopar cat mai multi colectionari seriosi din generatia tanara ce doresc schimburi sau vanzari de piese interesante.
Probabil sunt in asentimentul multora spunand ca sunt putine site-uri de numismatica in Romania iar majoritatea sunt de slaba calitate si nu ofera prea multe informatii. Imi doresc ca acest blog sa aduca ceva nou si sa ajute cat mai multe persoane sa se initieze in tainele numismaticii.

Pentru cei interesati sa vanda piese evaluarea pieselor o voi face gratis!

Today we have a new blog for collectors.
With hope that i will find as many fans of coins collect i will try to get more information and news regarding coins collection and i hope to discover many serious collectors from the younger generation wich they want exchanges or sales of interesting items.
Perhaps many are saying that are only few numismatics sites in Romania and most of them are low-quality content and can not give too much information. I hope this blog to bring something new and to help many people to initiate in the mysteries of numismatics.

For those interested in selling coins I will offer free evaluation!


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